Mappy gives all the useful information for your

train Lille Roubaix


Route from Lille (59000) to Roubaix (59100) by train

If you want to book an efficient train ticket, you can compare all the prices and the timetable for your train ticket from Lille to Roubaix with our partners: SNCF, Ouigo. Compare your journey Lille Roubaix by train, between different lines or with other modes of transport, and calculate the saving of time and cost.

Train Lille Roubaix

, your routes summarized
Bird's eye distance10 km

Environmental impact

CO₂ emissions0 kg
And compare all modes of transport
  • Pedestrian
    0 kg CO₂
  • Bike
    0 kg CO₂
  • Electric scooter
    0 kg CO₂
  • Train

    0 kg CO₂
  • Public transport
    0 kg CO₂
  • Coach
    0 kg CO₂
  • Taxi / Chauffeur
    1 kg CO₂
  • Carpool
    1 kg CO₂
  • Car
    2 kg CO₂
  • Motorbike / Scooter
    2 kg CO₂
  • Plane
    3 kg CO₂
  • *CO2 emissions are calculated for a distance as the crow flies.

Our partner for train routes

  • SNCF
  • Ouigo
  • TGV
  • TER
Route & GPS
For your Lille Roubaix journey, let yourself be guided by the GPS of the Mappy application
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