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Lyon Villeurbanne walk

And compare all modes of transport

  • Pedestrian

  • Car
  • Public transport
  • Taxi / Chauffeur
  • Motorbike / Scooter
  • Bike
  • Electric scooter
  • Train
  • Plane
  • Coach
  • Carpool

Walking from Lyon (69000) to Villeurbanne (69100)

Mappy allows you to find the best pedestrian route from Lyon to Villeurbanne. You can also compare your Lyon Villeurbanne on foot, with the other modes of transport, and calculate the savings in time or distance you achieve. Feel free to install the application to benefit from GPS guidance.

Your roadbook

  • start
    Take Rue Joseph Serlin and continue for 5 meters
    0 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue du Président Édouard Herriot and continue for 270 meters
    2 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue Gentil and continue for 10 meters
    270 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Place Antoine Rivoire and continue for 25 meters
    280 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue des Forces and continue for 45 meters
    300 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue de la Gerbe and continue for 65 meters
    350 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue de la Poulaillerie and continue for 20 meters
    400 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue de la République and continue for 55 meters
    450 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Place des Cordeliers and continue for 170 meters
    500 m
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Place des Cordeliers and continue for 10 meters
    650 m
  • continue
    Continue on N6 (Pont Lafayette) for 250 meters
    Pont Lafayette
    700 m
  • continue
    Continue on Cours Lafayette for 2.2 kilometers
    950 m
  • town
    Enter Villeurbanne and take Cours Tolstoï for 300 meters
    3.1 km
  • round-about-straight
    At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto D55 (Place Albert Thomas) and continue for 500 meters
    3.4 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue Paul Verlaine and continue for 10 meters
    3.9 km
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