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Bordeaux Pessac walk

And compare all modes of transport

  • Pedestrian

  • Car
  • Public transport
  • Taxi / Chauffeur
  • Motorbike / Scooter
  • Bike
  • Electric scooter
  • Train
  • Plane
  • Coach
  • Carpool

Walking from Bordeaux (33000) to Pessac (33600)

Mappy allows you to find the best pedestrian route from Bordeaux to Pessac. You can also compare your Bordeaux Pessac on foot, with the other modes of transport, and calculate the savings in time or distance you achieve. Feel free to install the application to benefit from GPS guidance.

Your roadbook

  • start
    Take Rue de Cursol and continue for 20 meters
    0 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue Paul-Louis Lande and continue for 400 meters
    20 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Cours Aristide Briand and continue for 50 meters
    400 m
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue Edmond Costedoat and continue for 140 meters
    450 m
  • continue
    Continue on Rue de Pessac for 1 kilometer
    600 m
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Rue de Pessac and continue for 15 meters
    1.6 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Rue de Pessac and continue for 15 meters
    1.6 km
  • continue
    Continue on Cours du Maréchal Gallieni for 1.1 kilometer
    1.7 km
  • round-about-right-soft
    At the roundabout, take the 4th exit onto Cours du Maréchal Gallieni and continue for 100 meters
    2.7 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Cours du Maréchal Gallieni and continue for 5 meters
    2.8 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Cours du Maréchal Gallieni and continue for 140 meters
    2.8 km
  • town
    Enter Bordeaux
    2.8 km
  • round-about-left-soft
    At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Cours Maréchal Gallieni and continue for 70 meters
    3.0 km
  • continue
    Continue on Avenue Jean Jaurès for 55 meters
    3.0 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Avenue Jean Jaurès and continue for 2.2 kilometers
    3.1 km
  • town
    Enter Pessac
    3.1 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Avenue Jean Jaurès and continue for 10 meters
    5.2 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Avenue Jean Jaurès and continue for 130 meters
    5.2 km
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue Chateaubriand and continue for 50 meters
    5.4 km
  • round-about-right
    At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Avenue Louis Laugaa and continue for 300 meters
    5.4 km
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Passage Razon and continue for 60 meters
    5.7 km
  • continue
    Continue on Avenue Roger Chaumet for 80 meters
    5.8 km
  • continue
    Continue on Esplanade Charles de Gaulle for 15 meters
    5.9 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Rue André Pujol and continue for 10 meters
    5.9 km
  • direction-left-hard
    Turn left onto Boulevard Saint-Martin and continue for 5 meters
    5.9 km
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