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Bayonne Pau

And compare all modes of transport

  • Car

  • Public transport
  • Taxi / Chauffeur
  • Motorbike / Scooter
  • Bike
  • Electric scooter
  • Pedestrian
  • Train
  • Plane
  • Coach
  • Carpool

Driving directions from Bayonne (64100) to Pau (64000)

Do not waste your time looking for your cheap ticket or your fastest trip or with the fewest kilometers, Mappy allows you to compare all modes of transport and all times for your route from Bayonne from Pau. With car mode, you can configure your options (type of vehicle, motorway or not, toll or not, shortest distance), while having access to traffic information thanks to our traffic information service in real time. So save on the cost or duration of your trip, by finding the route Bayonne Pau suited to your needs. The expense report service is always accessible by going to see the details of the trip. Do not hesitate to find a gas station, a restaurant, a hotel during your trip using the "On my road" service.

Your roadbook

  • start
    Take D810 (Place de la Liberté) and continue for 240 meters
    Pont Mayou
    0 m
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Place du Réduit and continue for 10 meters
    240 m
  • continue
    Continue on Allées Boufflers for 350 meters
    250 m
  • continue
    Continue on Avenue Capitaine Resplandy for 180 meters
    600 m
  • round-about-right
    At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto D936 (Avenue Duvergier de Hauranne) and continue for 350 meters
    750 m
  • round-about-right-soft
    At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Rue Gustave Eiffel and continue for 150 meters
    1.1 km
  • round-about-left-hard
    At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto D810 (Avenue de l'Aquitaine) and continue for 1.4 kilometer
    Pont Saint-Frédéric
    1.3 km
  • round-about-right
    At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto the road and continue for 50 meters
    2.7 km
  • ramp-entry-right
    Merge right onto A63 E70 E5. Continue for 1.5 kilometer
    2.7 km
  • ramp-entry-right
    Merge right onto A64 and continue for 103 kilometers
    La Pyrénéenne
    Take a ticket (Péage Sames)
    4.2 km
  • ramp-exit-right
    Exit and take Rond-Point François Mitterrand. Continue for 950 meters
    Pay €9.60 (Péage Pau Centre)
    108 km
  • round-about-right
    At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Allée Catherine de Bourbon and continue for 650 meters
    109 km
  • continue
    Continue on Allée Catherine de Bourbon for 400 meters
    109 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Rond-Point Victor Schoelcher and continue for 20 meters
    110 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Rond-Point Victor Schoelcher and continue for 20 meters
    110 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Allée Catherine de Bourbon and continue for 250 meters
    110 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rond-Point Éric Tabarly and continue for 15 meters
    110 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Rond-Point Éric Tabarly and continue for 15 meters
    110 km
  • direction-left-soft
    Take a slight left onto Rond-Point Éric Tabarly and continue for 10 meters
    110 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Allées Condorcet and continue for 800 meters
    110 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Rond-Point de la Commune de Paris and continue for 50 meters
    111 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Avenue Dufau and continue for 850 meters
    111 km
  • continue
    Continue on Rue Carnot for 500 meters
    112 km
  • direction-right-soft
    Take a slight right onto Rue Nogué and continue for 140 meters
    112 km
  • continue
    Continue on Rue d'Orléans for 120 meters
    113 km
  • direction-left
    Turn left onto Rue Faget de Baure and continue for 130 meters
    113 km
  • continue
    Continue on Place de la Libération for 55 meters
    113 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue Bernadotte and continue for 220 meters
    113 km
  • direction-right
    Turn right onto Rue de Liège and continue for 25 meters
    113 km
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